Finally, 2008 has found its end.. I can still remember it like it was yesterday.. I enjoy traveling through memories, especially those that are significantly nicer and more memorable than others.. It started a year from now, when the smiles were always in my face, when the laughs accompanied my days, when everything seemed so sweet..I would rather stopped the time then, so the moment would last forever..
Gosh.. never imagine I will trash something like this to this blog. Well, I guess I still have an old side of me..
if I could turn back time…
if Doraemon were truly exists, i would borrow his time machine..
if I couldn't turn back time or back to past, at least i could be like hiro nakamura in heroes, only closed eyes then times would stop at the moment.. i think it would be nice enough, could forget burden for a while and breath freely even it's not too long.
If.. I had the power to turn back time.. maybe I would use that power. Something.. keep bothering me. And my consciousness keep telling me to LET IT GO.. But somehow I can not do it. I feel something missing.. And I cannot undo it. It happened. I must embrace it and be grateful of it.
This is the problem if we fight against human nature. Things happened and without any story as the background. I feel not alive enough to live it.
But go back and change any of it? Without omniscient to guide me, I couldn't possibly know what changes would lead to good outcomes, what changes would not. Let alone know which outcomes would be good and which would be less so.
If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality, since lost time is never found again and what we call time enough always proves little enough ~Franklin~.
What if I had never let you go, Would you be someone I am used to know? But I guess we'll never know..
I wish i could turn back time for a while.. to repair what things i have done.. But however time is still ticking and never going back, life must go on..
I've finally found what I've been lookin' for. This time, I'm gonna make sure it turns out alright.
I don't regret the things happened to me, too much many things that i have to thanks to God..
It's not a happy ending (not sad too) for now on, but the best ending.. i wish i always feel like at the time when i got all my spirit..
Selasa, 16 Desember 2008
If Only.....
Diposting oleh Fairy Tales di 16.46 5 komentar
Senin, 08 Desember 2008
3 hal dalam hidup..
Hmm.. hmm.. Capek juga digosipin.. Emang ga enak yah jadi artis dikalangan temen sendiri.. Pertama2 mereka gosip2 dibelakang kita, trus mulai ada temen yg terpengaruh gosip2 ga jelas itu… Ada jg yg konfirmasi nanya2 tentang gw ma **** trus gimana seh ceritanya (berasa kek artis).. jangan gosipin aku teman... ngga enak digosipin.. cari yang laen aja :p
aku sih cuma bisa cengar-cengir aja liat mereka... apa daya...
Tapi(sori aje) kalo ada orang keterlaluan banget(sekarang hampir banget, tapi lom, gw baru nuangin sedikit emosi di blog ini)… bisa dengan perang dingin atau frontal atau full body contact hahahha… peace... kaya dota aja.. :D
Duh gimana ya rasanya.... kenal deket juga ngga.. baru aja dsini... udah tanya ini itu.. bukan ke gw sih.. kalo ke gw, bakal tak pukul pake helm teropong.. wkwkww.... sebel mode ON..
Pesen gw buat dia : kalo nanya pake otak, eh skali lagi bukan nanya ke gw loh, gw cuman denger aja udah kesel XD, mungkin dia ga bakal baca ini blog.. “Kok pengin tau banget sih?, apa urusan loe?”, ngomong ma gw aja bisa dihitung pake jari.. krik krik krik.. mau tau aja loe... aduh masa harus temen yang minta maaf atas kelakuan loe.. :D jangan bikin gw kesal ya.. ntar tak first blood lho.. >:)
hehehe.. jadi inget si yuliam bilang gini.. ada 2 hal yang tidak bisa dilepaskan dari hidup.... menurutku sih ada 3 : gosip, pajak dan kematian...
diakhiri dengan quote indah..
Bintangku kemarin tertutup awan
Bintangku hari ini masih tertutup awan
Bulan memberitahuku dia akan muncul kembali
Karena Dia selalu ada diatas sana...
temans yang baca posting ini jadi silent reader aja ya... :)
Diposting oleh Fairy Tales di 08.01 3 komentar